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How to Install Age of Mythology Without Disc 2

posted 13 December 2002 09:16 PM EDT (US)

Problem is I HAVE DISC 2 IN!

I can even read it from Windows Explorer.

It just won't recognize it for the install. I got this on the sweet Deal of $15 after rebate from Amazon and would like to play it this weekend. Is there any hope?

The disc appears unscratched and fine, and disc one read fine.



posted 13 December 2002 11:06 PM EDT (US)     1 / 5

During the install does this message come up when it's at around 46%(something like that) and says to click ok when you have disc two in? Do you just put disc two in and wait for it to automatically find it and continue? Or do you press ok and the message pops up still? Just put the cd in, wait a few seconds for the drive to read it and if it doesn't automatically recongnize the cd and continue to install, then press ok and if the menu comes up again, take the disc out, then place it back in the center of the tray and try again. Sometimes depending on your drive(maybe it's a little old) they have a hard time reading the cds. If that doesn't work then take it back(then again you said you got it off amazon, I don't know how you would work that out). I think you can also get the cd replaced for something around $10-$15 from Microsoft or something, thats what I saw someone post on here anyways.


posted 13 December 2002 11:13 PM EDT (US)     2 / 5

Thanks for replying, but you've gotta be kidding me.

Replace it for $15??? What a crock.

I can see a couple very faint scratches on it and that's it. I've tried two pc's and it isn't working on either one. I've got a Lite-On drive, and I can't think that the Drive is the problem - plus the other puter has a completely different brand of drive (50x so it ain't old).

I put the cd in and took it out and put it back in, etc. no go. Weird thing is I can play all the music files on it just fine.

I'f this costs ME money, I'm gonna be p*ss*d.


posted 14 December 2002 01:15 AM EDT (US)     3 / 5

I think that the fee is ridiculous to, but hey, I didn't make it up. Since nothing is working, I would try to return it to Amazon. Here is their returns and returns policy page. It says that computer and video game items have to be unopened to be returned, but I would read around some more and see if you can find any way around it, I just glanced through it. If that doesn't work, then contact them here and tell them your situation. Bug them until you get what you want. Although I doubt it will change anything.

That sucks that this has happened to you, I would be ****** if it happened to me! Anyways, good luck!

Hmmm.... I didn't know that you could'nt say p*ssed. Whoops

[This message has been edited by NOuseFORaSCRNAME (edited 12-14-2002 @ 01:17 AM).]


posted 14 December 2002 09:53 AM EDT (US)     4 / 5

Well, since the disc NEVER worked, MS is going to send me a new one for free.

Now I just have to wait for it, and wait, and wait...

Kaziglu Bey

posted 14 December 2002 10:48 AM EDT (US)     5 / 5

Lets hope you can play with the new disc, because if not then it's likely that the CD reader unit cannot cope with the copy protection they used. It's happened for quite a few customers, though mostly with a bit older readers.

How to Install Age of Mythology Without Disc 2
