The Cyber Threat

Malicious cyber activity threatens the public's safety and our national and economic security. The FBI'southward cyber strategy is to impose risk and consequences on cyber adversaries. Our goal is to change the beliefs of criminals and nation-states who believe they tin can compromise U.S. networks, steal financial and intellectual property, and put critical infrastructure at risk without facing hazard themselves. To do this, nosotros use our unique mix of authorities, capabilities, and partnerships to impose consequences against our cyber adversaries.

The FBI is the pb federal bureau for investigating cyber attacks and intrusions. We collect and share intelligence and engage with victims while working to unmask those committing malicious cyber activities, wherever they are.

Learn more about what yous can do to protect yourself from cyber criminals, how you can written report cyber crime, and the Bureau's efforts in combating the evolving cyber threat.

Private Sector Partners

Learn how businesses and organizations tin can work with the FBI to get ahead of the threat and make an affect on our cyber adversaries.

Cyber Security

What Yous Should Know

Protect Yourself

  • Taking the correct security measures and being alarm and aware when connected are key ways to prevent cyber intrusions and online crimes. Learn how to protect your figurer, network, and personal information.

Understand Common Crimes and Risks Online

  • Business email compromise (BEC) scams exploit the fact that so many of the states rely on email to carry business—both personal and professional—and it's one of the almost financially damaging online crimes.
  • Identity theft happens when someone steals your personal information, like your Social Security number, and uses it to commit theft or fraud.
  • Ransomware is a type of malicious software, or malware, that prevents you lot from accessing your reckoner files, systems, or networks and demands you lot pay a ransom for their render.
  • Spoofing and phishing are schemes aimed at tricking y'all into providing sensitive information to scammers.
  • Online predators are a growing threat to young people.
  • More common crimes and scams

Respond and Report

Depiction of banner being used in campaign to encourage the public to report Internet crime to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

File a Report with the Internet Crime Complaint Middle

If you are the victim of online or internet-enabled law-breaking, file a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Middle (IC3) equally shortly as possible. Crime reports are used for investigative and intelligence purposes. Rapid reporting tin likewise assist back up the recovery of lost funds. Visit for more information, including tips and information near current criminal offense trends.

Contact Your Local FBI Field Office

If you or your arrangement is the victim of a network intrusion, data breach, or ransomware attack, contact your nearest FBI field part or report it at

Combating the Evolving Cyber Threat

Our adversaries look to exploit gaps in our intelligence and information security networks. The FBI is committed to working with our federal counterparts, our foreign partners, and the private sector to shut those gaps.

These partnerships allow us to defend networks, aspect malicious action, sanction bad behavior, and take the fight to our adversaries overseas. The FBI fosters this team approach through unique hubs where government, industry, and academia form long-term trusted relationships to combine efforts confronting cyber threats.

Within government, that hub is the National Cyber Investigative Articulation Task Strength (NCIJTF). The FBI leads this chore force of more than 30 co-located agencies from the Intelligence Customs and law enforcement. The NCIJTF is organized around mission centers based on central cyber threat areas and led past senior executives from partner agencies. Through these mission centers, operations and intelligence are integrated for maximum impact against U.Southward. adversaries.

Simply together can nosotros attain rubber, security, and confidence in a digitally connected world.

How We Work

Whether through developing innovative investigative techniques, using cutting-edge analytic tools, or forging new partnerships in our communities, the FBI continues to adapt to come across the challenges posed past the evolving cyber threat.

  • The FBI has specially trained cyber squads in each of our 56 field offices, working hand-in-hand with interagency chore force partners.
  • The rapid-response Cyber Action Squad tin can deploy across the land within hours to respond to major incidents.
  • With cyber assistant legal attachés in embassies across the globe, the FBI works closely with our international counterparts to seek justice for victims of malicious cyber action.
  • The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) collects reports of Internet criminal offence from the public. Using such complaints, the IC3's Recovery Asset Team has assisted in freezing hundreds of thousands of dollars for victims of cyber crime.
  • CyWatch is the FBI's 24/seven operations center and lookout man floor, providing around-the-clock support to track incidents and communicate with field offices beyond the land.

Featured Story

Additional Links, Resource, and Related Priorities

Lawful Access

Many federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies are facing challenges due to the miracle sometimes referred to as "warrant-proof" encryption. This blazon of encryption means the government oft cannot obtain the electronic evidence necessary to investigate and prosecute threats to public and national condom, fifty-fifty with a warrant or court society. Read more virtually the FBI'due south response to the Lawful Access challenge.